City Council Meetings
The regular monthly meeting is the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.
At the request of the Mayor, other meetings (extraordinary, emergency) may be convened.
Any change of day or time of a regular monthly meeting is published in the public notice with the mention “exceptionally”.
Notices of extraordinary meetings are published on the City's website pursuant to municipal decree no. 01-2018 (procedural decree) of the City of Saint-Quentin.

Council Meetings in accordance with the Procedural Order, under the Local Governance Act
Pursuant to section 10(2)(a), Part 2, of the Local Governance Act (Act) , chapter 18, which came into force on January 1, 2018, the Municipal Council adopted municipal by-law no. 01-2018 , procedural by-law, which aims to determine the conduct and procedures of meetings of the municipal council, on December 11, 2018.
The section of the Act provides that local governments must make by-laws respecting the procedure applicable to meetings of their council including any matter prescribed by regulation.
Articles 63 to 70 of the Act set out provisions relating to the following topics:
Schedule for the first meeting
Validity of measures and decisions emanating from the council
Public meetings and closed meetings
Electronic meetings
Communication of opinions.
The Act provides that if a meeting is held in camera as provided for in section 68(1), the report prepared is limited to stating:
The kind of matters listed in paragraph (1) of Article 68 which were discussed therein;
The date of the meeting.
Please note that all meetings are generally held in the City Council room of the City Hall located at 10, rue Deschênes.
The members of the Municipal Council welcome those interested!

To request an appearance (delegation) before the Council, please complete the form.
The following information is provided to help you prepare for your appearance before the Saint-Quentin City Council.
Regular monthly Council meetings begin at 7:30 p.m. Meetings are held both virtually on Facebook and in person in the City Council Chambers at City Hall on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, unless otherwise noted on the City of Saint-Quentin website and Facebook.
Special Council meetings are called at the request of the Mayor and begin at 6:30 p.m. Meetings are held in person in the City Council Chamber at City Hall. They are usually held on the 4th Tuesday of the month, if applicable.
▪The municipal clerk's office will determine, with you, the most appropriate meeting to make your presentation, namely a request to appear at a regular monthly meeting or at an extraordinary meeting.
▪When several people in a group wish to address the council on the same subject, the municipal clerk encourages them to designate a spokesperson.
▪Delegations have approximately 10 to 15 minutes to make their presentation.
▪Delegations requesting a second hearing of the Council on a given subject are required to provide only new information.
▪Delegations will be contacted to confirm the scheduled date and time of their presentation.
▪Requests to appear before the council, as well as presentation documents, must be received at the office of the municipal clerk before 4 p.m. on the Wednesday of the week preceding the meeting.
NB: The time allocated to the public, as provided for in the agenda of the regular monthly meeting of the Municipal Council, only includes the subjects on the agenda.
*Minutes from previous years can be viewed at Town Hall during regular office hours.
Please advise of your visit in advance at 506-235-2425 to check availability. The Minutes are in French only.