Public works
Saint-Quentin Public Works Services is dedicated to keeping our urban environment safe, clean and functional. Our team works every day to ensure the smooth running of our community. With a commitment to efficiency, sustainability and customer service, we strive to meet the needs of our residents and contribute to a welcoming urban environment for all.

Road maintenance
District 1
The road network of the Town of Saint-Quentin includes 20,513 km of streets and 9.1 km of sidewalks.
During the winter season, the maintenance of municipal streets (within the city limits, from November 15 to April 15 of each year), includes snow removal, salt/sand spreading, and excess snow removal, carried out by a contractor. The current contract, since November 15, 2020, was concluded for a period of 7 years, ending on April 15, 2027. The sidewalks and a section of the walking trail (+/- 6 km) are cleared of snow by the City of Saint-Quentin's public works department. The de-icing of manholes is carried out by the public works team as well as the snow removal of fire hydrants.
Street maintenance during the summer season, provided by the public works department of the City of Saint-Quentin, includes filling potholes, sweeping and cleaning with a street broom and asphalt paving.
The asphalting of municipal streets is done under contract. The costs of the work are included in the five-year plan of the City of Saint-Quentin, submitted to the Ministry of Transport, which plan provides for the asphalting of two streets per year.
Instructions for clearing snow :
Under section 69(1) of the Highways Act, it is prohibited to push snow onto municipal streets, sidewalks and into ditches and to transport snow across the street.
Excess snow accumulated by the snow removal vehicle in the driveway of each residence must be collected by the owner. The same applies to the merchants on Canada Street whose private contractors push the snow onto the shoulder, causing significant obstructions. Merchants and their assigned contractors are asked to respect this instruction. If everyone takes care to collect the snow that has fallen on their property, no complaints will be reported.
Finally, we ask residents during the winter season to show good cooperation and respect towards each other, whether during the clearing of your property or during the general clearing work by the contractor, Denis Banville Excavation. In order to facilitate his work when he carries out the clearing, please do not park vehicles along the main and secondary streets between 9 p.m. and midnight, and this, until April 15 of each year.
In addition, snow removal from the sidewalk on Canada Street South (from Industrielle Street to the hospital) will be carried out at the end of the snowfall, in order to ensure better quality of service due to the width of the shoulder at this location which is reduced by more or less 3 feet.
The operations management and the public works team wish to remind residents of their responsibilities in their snow removal practices. It is necessary to allow more than 3 hours after a storm to allow operators to complete the circuit of the 24 kilometers of municipal streets. We also remind them of the ban on dumping snow from private yards into the street, as well as fire hydrants, which must not be buried under snow.
Citizen collaboration is once again requested!
For any questions regarding the snow removal service, contact Mr. Gilles Croussette at 506-235-2425.
District 2
Road maintenance for District 2 is provided by the Ministry of Transportation.
For any information, complaints or requests, please call 1-833-384-4111 or send an email to transportnb@gnb.ca
Water and Sewings
District 1
No resource is as vital as fresh, clean water, which is why the Town of Saint-Quentin is proud to offer its residents superior quality drinking water according to the scale established annually.
We all know that the safety of air, land and water is not guaranteed. We depend on these resources and we must protect them. Our ancestors apparently used inexhaustible drinking water resources. Their daily consumption was only a fraction of our current use, and chemical pollutants and excessive land development did not endanger the resources.
The construction of the filtration plant by the Town Council in 1998 made it possible to eliminate the presence of parasites and reduce suspended matter in the water. The system provides excellent results. However, well before filtering the water, we must ensure that the source of supply is cleared of all unsanitary and contaminated materials.
We also know that costs related to filtration can be reduced by further protecting the sites surrounding the source of supply. The creation of the Five Fingers Creek watershed advisory committee by the Town of Saint-Quentin, in collaboration with all stakeholders concerned (industries, forestry companies, farmers, ministries, residents, etc.), made it possible to take charge of this important file, essential for the environment and to ensure the distribution service of drinking water.
Water: After black gold, blue gold (french) >
Drinking water quality in my community >
A water strategy for New Brunswick (2018-2028) >
If there is a significant drop or no water pressure, please contact the Public Works Department as soon as possible at (506)235-2425 during regular business hours or at (506)235-3322, 24 hours 24/7, as well as if you notice that your water is of an abnormal color or if you detect a water leak (hissing in the pipes or other) due to a broken water pipe. water.
To maintain a healthy sewer network (french) >
Final payment for water and sewer service must be made no later than April 30 of each year, during the opening hours of the municipal office. For any payments made from May 1, interest charges of 2% per month will apply. The water service closure date for non-payment is May 31.
For payments made with UNI cooperation financière, the National Bank of Canada and Service NB (at the counter, by ATM or via the internet), please allow a few days for the payment to be delivered and keep your proof of payment.
Any change made to a residence, in particular, the addition or deletion of rent, must be reported to the municipality so that the water and sewer service rate can be adjusted accordingly.
Note the regular opening hours to make your payment: Monday to Thursday from 9 a.m. to noon and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. and Friday from 9 a.m. to noon.